We are not housewives anymore we are "
Domestic Engineers"
What the hell is that supposed to mean anyway? Is it a way of empowering men who choose to stay at home? Forget about what Urban Dictionary says I want to know what this term really means. Does it encompass people who work part time but are also homemakers?
I get really frustrated when I tell a fellow female that I like to bake and they scoff at me. I was in studio last week and we were talking about what was new in our lives. My Professor asked me how living with my boyfriend was going. I responded that it was going great, I wake up with him every morning and pack his lunch for the day and make him breakfast.... I was then confronted by my Professor and one or two other students with a very negative attitude. "What are you Suzie Home maker from the 1950's?" One girl even replied that her boyfriend is the one who makes her lunch and her breakfast because that's the way it should be.
This conversation made me completely irritated!!!! Why is it that feminist extremist have to hate me because I enjoy doing things to make my partner's life easier? He doesn't MAKE me make his breakfast and lunch, I choose to do it because it is more convenient for him and it also forces me to get out of bed at 7am. My boyfriend doesn't look down on me because I make his lunch for him; instead he text messages me at 12:30 pm to tell me how much he loved my sandwich and that the cookies I baked him were just what he needed to get him through his day. Don't get me wrong, I will not stand for a guy telling me what to do, say, think, or wear. But a female who does the same thing in a reversed roll is just as bad! So what makes a feminist any different from a chauvinist?
Why is it that in order for you to be feminist woman you have to act like a chauvinistic man? I have chosen to be domestic because I enjoy the process and in all actuality it is a dying art. So many of my friends do not know how to cook, bake, or even sew a hem in a pair of pants. You can save SOOOOO much money if you learn these simple tasks! For instance, if I didn't make my boyfriend lunch and breakfast every day he would be spending on average $15 a day for breakfast and lunch. After his 5 day work week that's $75 a week, $300 a month! (which by the way is only $55 less than my rent!) Not to mention if we had to go out to eat every night for dinner.... Instead I make his breakfast and lunch spending about $20 a week on milk, waffles, cereal, bread, lunch meat, cheese, lettuce and the occasional replacement of a missing condiment. That's only $80 a month.
I love making my boyfriend sandwiches. I do it because he respects me and treats me like I deserve to be treated. And there is no greater high than seeing that look of appreciation on his face when he comes home and says thank you for the amazing lunch you packed me! I'm not oppressed, I do it because when two people are in a relationship they should strive to do things to make the other person's life easier. For a relationship is firstly a partnership of two people who are dedicated to each other.
So call me a domestic engineer if you want. Or even Suzie Homemaker...I don't care I am still going to make my boyfriend sandwiches.