Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wal-Mart on Facebook....

Social Media...


So I go to Wal-Mart the other day (I know you can all crucify me later) and on my receipt it says "Find Us On FaceBook!" I almost died. Wal-Mart is on Facebook.

Having big companies like Wal-Mart on Facebook makes the Not-For-Profit Arts Marketer's job more difficult. Facebook is free and efficient tool for NFP's to use to communicate with their clientele. Wal-Mart has all the money in the world. Why on earth do they need to be on Facebook? Look around you, Wal-Mart probably has ads in your local news paper, on your local television stations, billboards, on the internet, I wouldn't be surprised if they have radio ads!

Maybe I'm just crazy but I hate being spammed with Wal-Mart advertising as it is I don't need them on Facebook too. What do you think? Should major corporations have Facebook pages? Is it worth it for NFP's to try to compete with them for space in the social media world?

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