Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weird things my cats do...

I have two very awesome cats...but they are very strange.

The gray and white stripped one is Zeke. He likes to sleep on or next to my face at night, jump on top of the counter to get to the refrigerator to jump up finally on top of my cabinets. His favorite napping places include the back of my computer chair, my boyfriend's pillow, and the cracks between the cushions of the sofa. He also likes to curl up in little balls and tell me that I can't go to work....

Xander is the brown and black stripped one. He covers his eyes with his paws when he sleeps. He also sits, fetches and gives high fives! on command. He likes to drink water out of the toilet and lick condensation off of soda cans, bottles, and the shower walls. We have a ritual every time I wash my hands in the bathroom he jumps up on the toilet seat and waits for me to shake all the water off of my hands on to him so he can lick it off....

As weird as they are, I would not trade them for any other cat in the world! They always keep me on my toes and are highly entertaining!

Do you have any animals? If so, do they do strange things also? Please tell me about it and upload a picture if you have one! To my fellow arts management seminar classmates, who ever has the best story gets a prize on Monday and if everyone participates maybe I will make something special for the whole class!

1 comment:

  1. I never really liked cats very much...until I got one earlier this year (because I couldn't get a dog) and now I LOVE CATS. My cat's name is Lincoln and yes, it is a girl. She likes to climb inside ANYTHING she can get herself into. Paper bags, plastic bags, reusable bags, purses, drawers, cabinets, backpacks...she can even weasel her way into little card bags sometimes! I think she has jealousy issues because whenever I'm on my computer or using my phone, she comes and sits on the keyboard, sits right in front of my face or paws at my hands until I pay attention to her! She must be anti-social media...
